My Story
Hello! I’m Simo, a Moroccan living in the USA and Germany. Growing up, I never really knew how to cook. But once I moved to the USA, I found myself missing the taste of homemade Moroccan food. This longing led me on a culinary journey to learn how to recreate those cherished flavors.
My journey began with countless calls to my grandmother and mother, asking for the secrets behind each recipe. It was a path filled with trial and error—certainly a lot of error—but also with discoveries and triumphs. Along the way, I had to familiarize myself with the quality and variety of ingredients available outside of Morocco, learning how they differ from what I was used to back home. The same went for spices, each one a unique challenge to master.
Through this process, I developed a deep appreciation for many cuisines, especially Japanese and Italian. However, my heart will always belong to Moroccan food.
My goal with this website is to help you develop your cooking skills by sharing authentic recipes from Morocco and around the world. Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced cook, I hope my recipes inspire you to try something new and bring a piece of my culinary journey into your kitchen.
I’m always happy to help, so feel free to drop me an email or a message on social media if you have any questions or just want to say hello.
Happy cooking!